Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Culturism and Rights


Lexcen said...

You make me think of the rights of refugees to choose which country they seek asylum. Shouldn't refugees take what is offered rather than have a right to "choose"?

Anonymous said...

I do not believe gay people have the right to what heterosexual individuals do. I think gay couples live against societal and moral compasses. It is against all religions and every society that fell allowed homosexuality. Even in the animal kingdom animals practicing these acts are shunned or killed by their own.

I am saying I believe gays should have NO rights, period. I am saying it is against not just society and culturism, but against G-d whom said it is an abomination.

After all, G-d made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

If people choose to live like pigs and in sin they should do it in private. There should be no laws to promote lawlessness and sin. Period.

Unknown said...


Other nations just don't recognize refugees, "human rights" to be on their turf. Usually they cite culture and an inability to afford it! Both legit. "Human rights" are usually double speak people use selectively against the West.

We now have programs that relocate entire Somalian villages to our shores. We need to ask if we want to buy rights for others. This gives us a better sense of whether or not we should do it.

Unknown said...


I'm not religious. I would need to see the details of Proposition 8 to know what it does not allow. I do not want to reward easy liaisons with the title marriage. We have to show we value commitment over bodily impulses. But if Prop 8 denounced all gay relationships as unworthy, I'd be against it. I do not consider being gay an abomination or a sin.

More fundamentally, I am really against using the courts to override democracy. If the majority voted for gay marriage, would you go to the courts to stop it? You wouldn't prefer theocracy via judges over democracy would you?

Anonymous said...

I obey G-d not man. Therefore our government when truly studied and compared to the Ten Commandments and fundamental Biblical principles is in a sense theocratic. Without rules and laws there is mayhem. Rules and laws all stem out of the Bible when you study the course of history. When you look at history you also not that those countries that did not sustain themselves gave into homosexuality - free sex, prostitution et al - the nation fell. It is not a matter of being religious, religion is mans making. God wants a relationship with us, that is not religion. Therefore it is not a matter of democratic vs theocracy - at the end of the day it is what is right and what is wrong. Even the most vile person on earth knows right from wrong. I will not vote support any one or thing that is wrong.