Culturism (cǔl-chər-ǐz-əm)
n. The philosophy, art, and science that values, promotes and protects majority
(cǔl-chər-ǐst) n. 1. An advocate of
culturism. 2. One who engages in or supports the art or science of managing and
protecting majority cultures. 3. Of or pertaining to culturism, culturists or
culturist policy. - adj.
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Culturist immigration policy calls for an immediately halt all
Muslim immigration into western nations. Cultural differences, history, and recent events justify this
position. We must counter
globalist and multiculturalists politicians’ culturally-neutral, open-borders
Western culture has its roots in Athens (the scientific /
secular approach) and Jerusalem (our Judeo-Christian roots). Both sources of western culture
dovetail in esteeming the conscience of the individual. Democracy and freedom of speech, for
example, are rooted in respect for individual’s reasoning capacity.
Islam means ‘Submission.’ Submission herein is not just a matter of establishing a personal
relationship with God as the individual sees fit. Muhammad ruled the government
and religion at the same time, making theocracy an Islamic ideal. Thus in Islamic nation after Islamic
nation we find either full-blown theocracies or pressure for theocracy.
Individual conscience and theocracy are incompatible. Increasing the size of a population that
holds values inimical to those of our traditional majority culture erodes and
endangers the foundation of our culture.
History and recent events prove that this is not only a theoretical
debate; It is a matter of life and death.
Historically, Islam has long been hostile to the West: They
took Spain; They took Constantinople; Islam’s western attacks were stopped in
France by Charles ‘the Hammer’ Martel in 732; Islam’s eastern advances were
halted at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. Culturists agree
with Faulkner’s sentiment - the past is never dead and buried; in fact, it
isn’t even past.
Recent terrorist attacks provide all-to-concrete evidence
that the past is prologue. 9/11 in New York, the 7/7 London bus bombing, the
Madrid train bombing, and the Charlie Hebdo attack are just the peaks of a sustained
hum of terror coming from the West’s Islamic population. We have a right to immigration laws that
err on the side of physically protecting our populations. Politicians who deny this have blood on
their hands.
Prohibiting more Muslims from becoming citizens in western
nations is not racist – it is culturist.
It would not depend upon whether the Muslim were black, Middle Eastern,
white, Asian or Latino. Religion
is cultural, not racial. Cultural diversity is real, therefore culturist policy
is rational and justified. Culturist will happily debate any politician who
thinks cultural diversity is not real and important.
Those who say this immigration policy violates some ‘universal,’
‘human rights’ norm are globalists, not culturists. All non-western nations have culturist or racist immigration
laws. Culturists need to ask globalist politicians why only western nations
must be held to their ‘globalist,’ ‘human rights’ standard, why we cannot be
culturist like other nations.
Politicians who reject culturist immigration policy because
western culture is grounded in religious tolerance must understand that our western
Constitutions and laws only protect our
western citizens’ freedom of religion. Our laws are national, not international. A later culturist
policy article will discuss domestic freedom of religion. But, our religious
tolerance laws do not protect foreign Muslims’ right to immigrate to the West.
Lastly, multiculturalists will object to this proposed
immigration policy with their defining beliefs: The West has no core culture to
protect; It is a culturally neutral zone where random cultures happen to coincide;
the West is just as Hindu and Muslim as it is Christian and secular; we cannot
favor any culture or consider any cultural traits in our laws. Culturists
affirm that the West is not Islamic; Islam is hostile to the West; and we have
a legal right to protect ourselves.
Because cultural diversity is real, history is important,
conflict exists, and our citizens have been harmed, culturist immigration
policy would immediately halt all Islamic immigration to western nations.
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