Monday, October 13, 2008

NYC Islam Day Parade! The Culturist Take!!!!


Z said...

Man, you are putting your money where your mouth is, John! The truth will set us free!

I wonder how many gays who embrace tolerance for islam would shy away from that if they saw this video.'s excellent. GOOD JOB!

Z said...

By the way, Mr. Z is going through your book (slowly because his workload is hideous!), but told me yesterday that he's enjoying it. thanks!

heidianne jackson said...

yes, the book is excellent - i have passed it along to a few others - those who "support" multi-culturalism hate it. those who understand what you've written, love it.

your statement that islam and the separation of church and state don't mix is spot on! islam is a whole societal structure. it is not merely a religion.

Unknown said...

Hey guys,

Thanks for the nice comments. If you all know of anyone who would really read the book, but probably wouldn't buy it themselves, I'd send them a free copy. Have them contact me. Spreading culturism is my activism.

Z, You're so right. If I were gay I'd be fighting the influx of Islamic culture even harder. As it is, they are ironically tolerant of those who'd hang them.

Heidianne, any positive review on amazon where you'd buy the book or elsewhere would be appreciated. And thanks for passing it on!

Thanks again to both of you for the nice comments, John