Friday, February 20, 2009

Help Wilders' Culturist Crusade

Geert Wilders, a Dutch parliamentarian, was refused entry into the UK. The Muslim community threatened to riot if his film FITNA screened in parliament. Ironically, the Muslims objected to the film’s portrayal of them as intolerant! And since freedom of speech is so central to a functioning democracy, this censorship threatens the continuance of western civilization. In appreciation of Wilder’s efforts, I would like to offer him the intellectual gifts of ‘culturism’ and ‘culturist.‘ Using them will ease and hasten his victory over multiculturalism.

On his website,, Mr. Wilders posted the speech he was going to read to parliament had he cleared customs. At the end of the speech he blamed “the multicultural project” for undermining western civilization. As a culturist I agree. But the best he can offer is a condemnation of multiculturalism. We need solutions. Culturism provides lots and spreads them cheaply and easily. If he does not use these words, few will remember the ideas in his speech. They will be spun by media and read by few. His ideas will spread quickly if he announces, “I am a culturist and believe in culturism!”

Because multiculturalism is already a household word, citizens of Britain would instantly know what he means by culturism and culturist when he used them. Multiculturalism holds western nations have no core traditional cultures to prefer, promote and protect. Intuitively understanding the opposite of multiculturalism, the Brits would say “Yes,” we do have a core traditional culture and a right to protect it.” They would recognize that all nations are culturist and that our schools and our laws should reflect and protect our traditional cultures. And they would be able to communicate this sentiment as easily as multiculturalists now do theirs.

Wilders’ ban from Britain was partially justified by his being prosecuted for racism. He now has to repeatedly announce that he does not hate all Muslims and that he is not a racist. And this is fine and good, but he would be better off advocating a positive program than defensively refuting what others say he is. He can do this by simply saying he is “culturist” not “racist.” He could help people make important distinctions by explaining that while racism is stupid and dangerous, because cultural diversity is real, culturism is necessary. Then the multiculturalists could defensively explain why diversity is not important. The multicultural lefts’ flip abuse of the word racism would diminish immediately.

Then, once the distracting charges of racism were diminished he can focus on the positive culturist agenda. He can explain that western schools should teach western virtues and history. He can convey that western nations should only recognize western legal systems. Culturism’s taking diversity seriously will give him a basis upon which to argue that freedom of speech is a western value that needs protection. Culturist logic will give him a rational basis upon which to discuss border regulations. He can affirm his language. Rather than just be against multiculturalism, Wilder’s using the word culturism will teach people about the positive western agenda and history he promotes.

Geert Wilders has risked his life for the West. Yet his own western governments vilify him as a racist. He is a hero whose case should be celebrated by all western culturists. In the speech he was not allowed to give, he identified multicultural ideology as the enemy of the West. In gratitude and solidarity I offer him the use of the words ‘culturist’ and ‘culturism.’ As a culturist I encourage you to help Wilders in his fight by also identifying yourself as a culturist. When someone mentions multiculturalism, tell them you prefer culturism. When they brand those who discuss diversity as racist, tell them the discussion is culturist. These are politically correct and assertive ways to fight our destruction. Back Wilders. Back his mission for the West. Help him spread the words.


Lexcen said...

The problem of understanding the threat of Islam is huge. For those of us who have daily contact with Muslims, especially females garbed in hijab or burkah, it is easy to feel that they are just different but harmless. I can still detect a smile from just looking at eyes peeping out from a narrow slit. I then ask myself, what the hell am I afraid of? It is fear after all rather than racism or intolerance that fuels my distaste of Islam. And it is relentless and thorough research and reading that informs me that Islam is indeed a threat. We can exist in ignorance and complacency and live amongst the new and exotic Muslims in our community without any fear. But it is a delusional complacency that might in the end cause the end of our culture as we know it.

Unknown said...

Yes Lex,

And the problem is that those behind the veil advocate forcing all of us into veil compliance.

Also, moderate Muslims are those who are not living up to their religion. It does us well to remember who they admire. Muhammad was not a nice guy.

Thanks for dropping by, you're not crazy or racist!!


Damien said...

Culturist John,

To say that Muhammad was not a nice guy is an understatement.

Anonymous said...

John, I have put a new post up on my blog. I think you will like it.

zebulon9 said...

Don't forGeert Wilders!
Stop talking, start acting.
Isn't Geert's freedom worth a stamp?

If Geert Wilders falls, then Freedom of speech is dead in Europe. We are launching an extensive International Action SITA including two possible texts ; one comparing Wilders and Winston Churchill and another Wilders and Charlie Chaplin:

To support Geert Wilders and our dearly acquired freedoms please participate to the 2 suggested actions and transmit this message to your friends owners of a website in order they publish it.

An other way to support Geert Wilders is to give some money. To donate:


Franklin's Locke said...

Thanks for stopping by my post. It is appreciated. This is a great post!

Thank you for such a clear explanation of “culturism” and “multiculturism.” I was completely unaware of multiculturism until a talk show host in my area started to discuss it.

It really opened my eyes to what certain groups are doing in this nation to other groups. I soon realized I did not have to feel guilty for who I was and how I felt about my “culture.” It, also, is amazing how all these people are placed in these segregated groups and then are played off each other.

We are all different and it is ok, not a bad thing, and should be celebrated.

Anonymous said...

Don't forGeert Wilders!
Stop talking, start acting.
Isn't Geert's freedom worth a stamp?

If Geert Wilders falls, then Freedom of speech is dead in Europe. We are launching an extensive International Action SITA including two possible texts ; one comparing Wilders and Winston Churchill and another Wilders and Charlie Chaplin:

To support Geert Wilders and our dearly acquired freedoms please participate to the 2 suggested actions and transmit this message to your friends owners of a website in order they publish it.

An other way to support Geert Wilders is to give some money. To donate:

Ducky's here said...

Spread what word?

That so called film of his has been available to anyone who wants to see it for ages.

Why should we be complicit in strengthening the political career of a cheap Dutch ward heeler?

The guy's an uncultured jerk. He adds nothing to culturism.

Ducky's here said...

It really opened my eyes to what certain groups are doing in this nation to other groups.


Yeah, but they were voted out of office last election. Not so much to worry about now.

Ducky's here said...

I can still detect a smile from just looking at eyes peeping out from a narrow slit. I then ask myself, what the hell am I afraid of?


I don't know man, but work it out, okay.

I was on the Boston subway the other day next to a woman reading the Quran. Somehow I didn't get the urge to get off before my stop.

Maybe you're just paranoid?

Anonymous said...

As usual, Ducky shows up, casts insults, provides no arguments, contributes nothing.

Unknown said...


"Spread the word" refers to the word "culturism."

So Ducky, the whole thing is equal to a woman with a book? Hmmn. He was on the subway in 1939. There was a woman on the book reading Mein Kampf. I'm not scared of a woman with a book he thought. The idea of a simple single woman with a book is worthy of contempt and mockery and suffers from paranoia.

Anonymous said...

I googled up the word culturism just now to confirm that it exists outside of my own belief that it should and found your site in the process. Nice work. I hope to pay another visit.

Anonymous said...

Ducky, it's funny (not) how you chide us to think outside the box when it's your idea on the table.

I get Lex's point, though. It's easy to be lulled into a sense of complacency. Here in TX we have a HUGE problem with illegals and we've become so desensitized to it that we esteem their culture over ours, lest we appear racist.

Unknown said...


Glad you made it here!


It would be nice if Obama's stimulus package had money to pay American workers to finally build the border fence!

Yes, at a certain point the game is over and the worst is normalized. i hope it is not yet now.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth.
I'm not a racist, Muslims are not a race of people.

I don't like their "Culture".

I don't like their "Religion"

I have no use for sharia law, and it won't happen.

"Moderate Muslims" are bad Muslims.

Terrorist Muslims are good Muslims.

mohammed was not a prophet, he was a terrorist, warmongering, murderous, thug. I'm usually not welcome because of my views, but these are my views. I don't mince words and I never will. Newsweek published an article "How to live with radical Islam." WRONG.

I don't want to live with it, I want it obliterated and all those that adhere to it.

We are not at war with Islam.
Islam is at war with us. The sooner we wake up and stop beating around the bush, the better off our children and grandchildren will be.

You have a great site, I'll be dropping by more often.

Unknown said...


You will always be welcome here. Anyone who bans you because of being racist, does not get the distinction you made: its a culture, or religion, NOT a race that you wrote about. What you wrote, in my terminology, was culturist, not racist.

Thanks for coming by! John

Ducky's here said...

His mission to the West.

He put out that rather poorly produced video to a big yawn quite a while ago.

Forgive me if I mention that this has the smell of a campaign gimmick.

Mr. Wilders does thrive on irrational fear, however. You folks seem to have sussed that out.

Ducky's here said...

Also, moderate Muslims are those who are not living up to their religion.

But Culturist, that's true of any religious moderate.

Unknown said...

When is a duck not a duck? When he's an ostrich.

No, sorry, diversity exists. My point is that if you foolow Judaism, you end up in a synagogue. If you follow christianity you end up at a Church. Buddhists end up in meditative poses. If you follow Islam you end up attacking the infidel (please don't start with the horrors of the "crusade" bit). Check out the careers of their founders.

You think all religions are the same. I beg to differ. You think all people are good. Diversity is real. I have recognize that many horrors like WW II happened' historically they are the norm. Bad exists. Not all is peaceful secular humanism.

Ducky, have you heard? Wilders has had endless death threats against him for his "so - called film." We in the West do not threaten people's lives because we thought their film bad or offensive. Have you heard that Theo Van Gogh got killed for his film? No, nothing happening here. All are peace-loving free speech advocates. Especially in the mosques of Europe.


Damien said...

Ducky's here,

I agree with Culturist John on this.

Kinana said...

you say: 'Because multiculturalism is already a household word, citizens of Britain would instantly know what he means by culturism and culturist when he used them.'

i wish it were so. it would only raise the question, 'so, which culture do you support?' and 'How can you be so narrow minded as to think that your culture is better?'

Without a guide that is outside culture then the choice comes down to just understanding who has the power in society at any given time.

Unknown said...


Sorry to have not specified. Culturism holds that the traditional majority culture has a right to protect, promote and guide itself. So in Saudi Arabia, they promote Islam. The culture that would be promoted in Britain would be British.

This might seem counter intuitive to you at first. How can I support Saudi Arabia's right to be culturist. The fact is, they already are. So are China and every other nation on the planet. The only people that are not culturist, that do not exercise their sovereignty, are the western ones.

Lastly, culturism does not say that the West is superior or "better than others." It only states that British culture is the majority traditional culture in Britain. The British people have a right to have a place where they can enjoy their ways.

Thanks for writing, Culturist John

Kinana said...

i suppose i was partly reacting to what you said would be understood by people as 'culturism.'

Given the definition you provide the next issue is what is British Culture? Most people may have a sense about it but have never put it into words. This would be a necessary work so that people can more easily see when those values are under attack.

If i understand you correctly, i would disagree that Western culture is not superior to the culture in Saudi Arabia. Have your heard the debate of last October on 'we-should-not-be-reluctant-to-assert-the-superiority-of-western-values' Ibn Warraq led the charge in asserting that not only are Western values superior but also universal.


Unknown said...


In the book culturism I have an entire chapter on what defines the West. Our culture is especially difficult to pin down because it is progressive. That, I show by looking at the long story of western civilization.

One thing that people miss is that western values are not universal, they are western. Freedom of speech, the relative separation of church and state, rights for individuals and democracy are NOT universal. Look at China. Look at Islam. THey are western.

You can also pin down Britain by noting what it is not. Look at history. Britain is NOT an Islamic civilization. Ya'll have had battles between Catholics and Protestants. The latter hold sway via the Anglicans. But, you are not a HIndu nation or an Islamic nation. People tend to forget that Christiandom fought Islam for its life for centuries. Muslims have not forgotten.

I am not afraid to assert the superiority of western values within the West. These values are our values, central to our identity and not be treated as just another interest groups' 'thing.'

People that take us as superior tend to be complacent about our survival. The idea that we are natural underpins immigration laws. All are the same deep down in sharing "humanitarian" values. No, our values are special and when people come to Britain they do not assimilate so they do not see that our values are obviously superior.

The bedrock argument is that western values may not be superior in terms of survival. We have to recognize that our values are fragile. Islam creates zealots for their side. Ours creates weak assent and taking them for granted. I think this happens because people see our values as obvious. They are not. If we wish them to survive we must protect them. They do not represent the natural, automatic future of the world.

I hope those looooong paragraphs speak directly to your questions. Lemme know if you have more! Thanks!!
