Sunday, June 22, 2014


There has been a surge of ISIS terror in Iraq.  We are told that this group’s killing is creating a humanitarian disaster; that we must intervene.   But this is not a humanitarian disaster, it is an Islamic disaster.  The West is not Islamic.  We need to distance ourselves from this action, not get involved.

 From a humanitarian perspective, western nations must stop the blood shed in Iraq because generic people – global citizens - are in need of protection. The humanitarian, globalist, multicultural vision, sees all people as essentially the same and on the same side geopolitically. Culturism believes in a ‘clash of civilization’ model.  In this clash, western nations are not on the same side as Islamic nations - we are antagonists. Rather than a ‘humanitarian’ obligation to aid or arm our enemies, we have a culturist obligation to protect ourselves.

 To keep the West out of the Iraqi conflict, we need to replace ‘humanitarianism,’ with culturism.  When people declare themselves globalists, tell them that you are NOT a ‘global citizen;’ you’re a western culturist; a citizen of your western nations, part of the family of nations that believes in freedom of speech, the relative separation of church and state, democracy, individualism, and women’s rights.  Recognizing that we belong to the western side is the first step to dismantling globalists’ ‘humanitarian’ calls to arm Muslims.   

 Culturism will also help us avoid having to take in refugees from the Iraqi conflict. Multiculturalists tell us that western nations are culturally neutral space.  Iraqi Muslims are just as western as anyone else.  This is not true. Iraqis come from the Muslim world.  The West is not a part of that sphere. Iraqis speak a non-western language, have non-western heroes, and hold values antithetical to ours. If Muslim refugees need asylum, let an Islamic nation take them in.

 This ‘humanitarian’ crisis actually provides us with a golden opportunity to defeat multiculturalism.  When multiculturalists tell us to ‘celebrate diversity;’ we can point to ISIS’s terrorist campaign. Diversity includes cultures that celebrate beheading.  Cultural diversity includes cultures that honor beheading people.  We don’t want to celebrate that.  So we are not ‘celebrating diversity,’ we are honoring our own values.  As we use the example of ISIS to wake people up from the multiculturalists’ attempt to blind us to the importance, the real extent, of cultural diversity.

 In fact, the ISIS crisis even gives us an opportunity to defeat the globalist ideal of ‘humanitarianism’ and ‘human rights,’ because it demonstrates that these are western concepts. If the West falls, Iraq will not champion ‘human rights’ in the world.  They are fighting for Islamic domination.  China doesn’t believe in ‘human rights,’ free speech, democracy and such. If we want to protect so-called  ‘humanitarian’ virtues, we must realize that they are only western virtues and protect the West.  Giving Muslims funding or letting them into our country undermines our ability to defend our western rights-based values. 

 To keep us from sending aid to Iraq or allowing refugees into the West, we must replace the globalist, multiculturalist, humanitarian ideologies with a culturist one The barbarian behavior of ISIS gives us an opportunity to spread culturist doctrine.  You can do so by using the words ‘culturism’ and ‘culturist’ in your conversations.  Take action; do so today.

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