Saturday, June 20, 2015

Culturist Policy Article # 7 –Culturist Rights and Individual Rights

Culturism (cǔl-chər-ǐz-əm) n. The philosophy, art, and science that values, promotes and protects majority cultures.

Culturist (cǔl-chər-ǐst) n. 1. An advocate of culturism. 2. One who engages in the arts or sciences of managing and protecting majority cultures. 3. Adj. Of or pertaining to culturism, culturists or culturist policy.

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Culturist Rights and Welfare
People whose actions are blatantly irresponsible should lose their welfare benefits.

You have an individual right to make babies with several men; society has a right to not subsidize such irresponsibility.

To those who worry about the children; indiscriminately subsidizing single-parenthood has undermined the African – American family and, ultimately, hurts the poor.

Western governments must stop all subsidies to polygamous families. This practice is anti-western.  Those who engage in such arrangements should be imprisoned.

Fault Free Divorce Laws Should be Reconsidered
Divorce laws should aim at strengthening families.  On the whole, single-parent homes are much worse for children.  Children’s rights contextualize parent’s rights.

Gay Marriage Rights
Individual rights do not automatically trump society’s culturist rights.  Society’s morals, traditions, and marriage rates must have standing. 

While culturists of good will may disagree over gay marriage, none would enter this discussion without considering the potential impact on the health of our culture.

Culturist Rights and Schools
Pregnant teenagers should be excluded from mainstream public secondary schools.  This will teach that actions have consequences.  In the long run, this will reduce teen pregnancy.

Other grievous violations of morals and criminal behavior should also be grounds for expulsion.  Using individual rights to protect anti – social behaviors undermines schools’ culturist mission.

Visibly tattooed teenage students should not be employed in public schools.  Employing them conveys a tacit approval. 

Teaching morality is important to the solvency, and first-world status, of the West.  School policy can and must consider morality.

Culturist Rights and Media
Public airwaves should once again provide a pro-social, non-pornographic space for families. 

Ask absolutists, who denounce all censorship, if they would back sex tapes and snuff films being played on public airwaves at all times of day.  The answer is ‘No.’  

The question is not if we should still have public guidelines, but ‘What kind?’ and ‘How much?’

In the age of the internet having public decency laws does not stop people from accessing any type of information they seek. 

Public censorship creates a safe place for families and sends the message that our society celebrates morals and discourages immorality.

Culturist Rights and Zoning Laws
Strip clubs should be pushed to the periphery of cities. 

Ask absolutists if they would allow strip clubs across the street from children’s schools.  The answer is, ‘No.’ 

So the issue is not if we should have zoning laws, but their content.

Men will still be able to access strip.  But, their partial exile will implicitly convey society’s shaming of such behavior.

Culturist Law and Individual Rights
Culturists flatly reject the individual rights argument that society has no right to judge behaviors. 

Western law-makers have traditionally considered morals in policy making. Western culture, values and solvency have traditionally been our policy guides.

Since only the West promotes individual rights, policy’s taking western solvency into account ultimately strengthens individual rights. 

Individual rights are too often used as a defense of overtly anti-social and destructive activities.  Along side individual rights, culturist rights must once again have legal standing.

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