Monday, January 7, 2008

Culturist Thought of the Day - Romney, Obama and Multiculturalism

It would be extremely rich for culturists if Mitt Romney and Barack Hussein Obama were the nominees of their respective parties. Romney is, of course, a Mormon. Obama has many ties to Islam.

Normally, assuming America has any culturist sensibility at all, Obama's ties to Islam would disqualify him from the presidency of the United States. He went to a madrassa as a child, his father and stepfather were Muslim. Obama visited Kenya, the country of his youth where his muslim stepmother still lives - and supported the Muslim leader in their now bloody conflict, Raila Odinga. But media's blackout is based on its buy-in with multiculturalism. To multiculturalists all cultures are interchagable and equally worthy of celebration.

Romney's Mormon religious roots are problematic too. Many Mormons still believe in Polygamy. Culturism, the book, explains why accepting this on an individualist level makes sense, but culturist reasoning rejects it. What happens when pimps start to marry their whores? When bad men collect women? Mormon's have, in Romney's life, been outwardly racist. Culturists know that even when you are clearly talking about cultural issues you are likely to be smeared as a racist.
Nothing gets you exiled from reasonable discussions faster.

If these two get their party's nominatios we'll get to look at two very unseemly, (Western standards) cultures closely. If multiculturalists qualify their celebration of diversity, they are actually culturists. Either they would have to say they love polygamy and racism, Jihad and honor killings or ignore these examples of diversity. That is what they normally do and strive to do. But the temptation for Romney to use the Islam card and disqualify Obama would be huge. Obama's temptation to uncover the unseemly side of Mormonism would be equally large. If either exposed the other, multiculturalist's unqualified love of diversity would take a hit. Culturist issues would be raised and perhaps our culture would realize that Western values are unique and not to be taken for granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The British MSM are waking up!!!

From the DAILY EXPRESS as quoted at

"At last a trumpet blast has been sounded against the creeping Islamification of Britain. For too long our ruling elite has been in denial about the consequences of this insidious process, pretending the assertiveness of Muslim culture is just another element in the rich diversity of British society.... Bishop Nazir-Ali is absolutely right. His critics are living in a fantasy world conjured up by their own deceitful clappy-happy rhetoric if they think Britain does not have a problem with the growing strength of Islam in our midst. The fact is that, in all too many of our cities, Muslim radicalism has led to segregation, oppression of women, criminality and terrorism....

"Islam in Britain could be portrayed as a combination of the outstretched palm of victimhood, begging for official support, and the clenched fist of grievance, threatening violence if demands are not met. All too often the political establishment has surrendered, dressing up its feebleness as multi-cultural sensitivity.... We now have state-funded Muslim schools, housing projects, leisure centre sessions and community groups. Cultural cringe means that every superstitious demand of the radicals, no matter how absurd, is taken seriously by the authorities. So, while elderly people are dying of neglect, nurses are instructed to turn the beds of Muslim patients five times a day towards Mecca....

"The generation that fought the Second World War to protect our nation from foreign occupation must wonder why they bothered as the social landscape of our country is transformed.... There is no more graphic symbol of the change sweeping Britain than the demand from Muslims in Oxford that the city council should give mosques the right to broadcast the call to prayers over loudspeakers at least three times a day. The noisy summons to Muslim prayers smacks of ideological supremacy rather than spiritual concern.

"It is absurd to pretend that Muslim culture is not becoming the dominant force in all too many cities.... What is remarkable is that, in the name of diversity, so-called liberals have promoted the misogynistic authoritarian theocracy they claim to despise. Christianity helped to build the safe, tolerant society which for generations has attracted migrants fleeing persecution or squalor. Yet now, as Christianity withers, large swathes of our country are starting to replicate the Third World."

COMMENT: No major newspaper would have dared publish this even a year ago. The truth about Islam is getting out and the entire multicultural fabric is beginning to unravel.

Let us pray that 2008 will be a year of victories for the counter-jihad!