Monday, November 8, 2010

Angela Merkel Rejects Multiculturalism Nearly Embraces Culturism

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has definitively announced the failure of multiculturalism in Europe.[1]   Thus she has come much closer to adopting te positive value system of multiculturalism’s opposite, culturism.   While her speech represented a great leap forward for culturism, the full impact of culturist realizations will not come until she understands the impact of history on culture.

Multiculturalism’s failure results from its total failure to acknowledge diversity and that nations have traditional majority cultures.  The mandate to ‘celebrate diversity’ requires that we ignore culture’s real impact.  Merkel’s denunciation of forced marriages recognized that other cultural patterns exist.   And indeed levels of crime and government dependency clearly are also higher amongst some immigrant groups than others. 

But the depth of harm does not lie in such statistics, but in basic cultural outlooks.  Germany has a culture that respects education and discussion.   Psychologist Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist, spent time studying Muslims in youth prison.  He found that rather than handling conflict via dialogue, Muslim youth consider it proper to settle disputes via “physical revenge.”[2] 

The cultural tendency toward solving disagreements via violence has manifest in violent mob actions such as burning tens of thousands of cars in Paris, attacking German youth in schools, and worldwide violence over Danish cartoons portraying Muhammad. 

Sane immigration policy requires noting cultural differences.  It is culturist, not racist, to acknowledge that wherever many Chinese move, they excel in school and set up Chinese areas that become tourist attractions.  Wherever Muslims move they make the schools rougher and create no-go zones.

In noting that other cultures have honor killing, violent ways of settling disputes, and antipathy towards free speech, Merkel has come a long ways towards noting that Germany (and the West generally) has a traditional majority culture.  An implication of her acknowledging diversity is recognizing that the West alone stands for democracy, freedom of speech, the relative separation of Church and State and the sanctity of the individual.

Now that Merkel acknowledges that culture is important and has implicitly acknowledged that Germany has a majority culture, she must make one last step in achieving culturist awareness.  She must recognize that Islam has been aggressively trying to conquer the West for 1400 years.  History travels with cultures.  Even if Chinese immigrants had the same anti-social patterns as Muslim immigrants, their lack of historical animosity towards the West would render them less of a threat. 

Merkel has acknowledged that multiculturalism has failed.  As such she may now be willing to discuss cultural dynamics in general.  But only when she starts talking of the positive value of culturism, when she takes a western culturist stance, she can really make sound policy.  At that point she will know that she must stop Muslim immigration to the West and make sure her laws and schools openly protect and promote German heritage and western values.



Lexcen said...

Very interesting. I will link with Nicolai Sennels on Facebook and also look into his research and writings.

Unknown said...

Very cool Lex. Let me know if you post anything on him. He vindicates cultural differences at a profound level. He also scares all those agree that Multiculti has been a failure.

Thanks, John

Anonymous said...

76891 Скачать Затащи меня в Ад :-(

Lexcen said...

My last post is on him with a link to a very interesting interview at